DXsoft Products / CwGet / Version history (Version for printing)
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The decoder algorithm (especially the automatic detector threshold evaluation) is slightly improved.
Minor fixes and improvements are made.
Minor fixes were made.
Input and output soundcard numbers can be above ten now.
Minor bug with message channel handling was fixed.
Documentation was updated.
Minor improvement in multi-channel decoder were made.
Received by this decoder symbols are displayed directly at a horizontal waterfall.
A mouse click at this waterfall changes a frequency of the main decoder.
Some minor bugs were fixed.
The Setup > Interface > Output soundcard channel option (Mono/Left/Right) can be used to select output channel of soundcard.
The Ctrl-U hotkey switches Tuning Rig by state between NONE and last selected tuning method (Main VFO or RIT).
The Setup > Interface > Input soundcard channel option (Mono/Left/Right) can be used to select one of two sound sources connected to a single soundcard.
The command line argument /c Filename can be used to open capture file at the program startup.
The Setup > Text > Swedish charset option was added.
When the Sp.lock buttons is pressed, minimal and maximal speed (in LPM) are defined by regulators at left side of this button. Click to this button with Ctrl key pressed moves center value of speed limit to a current speed.
The Setup > Multi-decoder > Use speed limits from main decoder option defines if these speed limits are used in multi-decoder window also.
The Setup > View > Always on top option is used in place of OnTop button now.
AALog 3.0 support was made.
An option
Most settings are being selected in the separate window now, which is opened by the Setup menu.
Ctrl-F hotkey switches
Multichannel-decoder font and background is defined separately from main RX Window settings.
Auto-threshold process in the main and multi-channel decoder works better now.
The Setup > Multi-Channel Decoder command opens additional Multi-RX Window. CwGet decodes up to five strongest signals in about 1600 Hz bandwidth and shows them in this window.
To reduce amount of garbage in this window an squelch is used. Squelch threshold is shown by horizontal line in the Spectrogram window. This threshold can be changed by mouse with Shift key pressed.
The Setup > Enable Squelch in Main RX Window options enables squelch in main RX window also.
CwGet can cooperate with another software as COM-server (ActiveX object) now.
Some issues occurred under Windows Vista were fixed.
Default working directory of software is located in
Command line parameter /F can define configuration file name now.
Some minor bugs were fixed.
Values 10:1 and 20:1 was added into Zoom menu.
Method of detector threshold automatic calculation was fully rewritten.
In Auto Threshold mode user can define minimal value of detector threshold by click at oscillogram window. Two horizontal lines show current detector threshold value and minimal threshold in this mode.
Some minor bugs were fixed and some minor improvements were made.
A text in the receiving window is not truncated automatically now.
The Zoom menu and Alt-1 ... Alt-5 hotkeys change frequency scale of spectrogram now.
The Speed lock button state and locked speed are saved by
A bug was fixed - sound enabled by
The Setup > Tune RIG by > Show Omni-Rig Setup command activates
The Setup > Spectrogram Colors Setup and
A problem of frequency control of some RIG types was fixed.
When the Setup > AFC at mouse click option is selected a fast AFC is made by click at spectrogram, but it is not made by click at frequency ruler below now.
The Setup > AFC at Mouse Click option was made. When this option is selected CwGet make fast AFC to near station after mouse click on spectrogram regardless of the AFC button state.
The Setup > Tune RIG by menu switches on the mode of automatic transceiver frequency control. In this mode transceiver radio frequency is changed to consist RX frequency to TX frequency. Auto-tuning is made after click on spectrogram or by GoToMax command. Tuning can be made by RIT or by VFO according selected option. Take to attention that not every transceiver has programmable RIT. In this case auto-tuning by RIT is impossible. Tuning is made via OmniRig software interface. Hamport software uses this interface also.
User can select soundcards used for sound input and output by
The documentation was updated.
Oscillogram drawing was improved, especially under Windows 2000/XP.
AFC has two parameters now. The first parameter is local deviation in hertzs, i.e. maximal deviation from current frequency. Second parameter is global deviation in hertzs, i.e. maximal deviation from last user-selected frequency. User-selected frequency is shown at spectrogram by short thin line.
A one minute sound buffer was made. The Replay button click makes
CwGet to replay previous 10 seconds of received signal.
The The Save button writes previous 60 seconds of a sound to a wave
file in the Waves directory.
Special macrosequences can be used in the
The File > Open Wave Capture File command opens wave-file to save all received from soundcard sound. File is closed by the
A frequency ruler was made.
To move a visible part of spectrogram to left or right you need to drag it by mouse with Alt key pressed now.
CwGet removes all spaces in selected text transferred to a logger now.
The option
Some minor improvements were made.
A problem with scrolling of received symbols window was fixed.
The documentation was update.
Some minor improvements were made.
CwGet can decode signals from WAVE-file now.
See the
If your sound card supports a full-duplex mode, you can use CwGet as
If there are several sound cards in a computer, you can select the card by the SoundCardNumber parameter
The command File > Open Buffer in Notepad was made. It saves receiving buffer in a temporary file and opens this file by a text editor. Then you can view this file or print it. The hotkey of this command
The main filter and amplitude detector was fully rewritten.
A set of main filter bandwidths was extended.
The problem with spectrogram repaint on some computers was fixed.
An old internal bug was fixed.
The Setup > Logarithmic Spectrogram menu command
Background colors of spectrogram and oscillogram windows can be changed now.
CwGet can transfer received symbols to another software now. Data exchange can be made
User can change spectrogram center frequency now. Press Alt key and click on the desired frequency by mouse left button to move the frequency to the window center.
The marker of TX frequency is made to help
Speed Lock button was made. CW speed is fixed when this button is pressed. Hotkey for this button
File > Open Capture File command opens
The input bandwidth top margin was increased to 3 kHz.
Setup > Main Filter > Very Narrow Filter option was added. It is appropriate for very low manipulation speed only, surely.
The burst filter options 5 LPM, 10 LPM, 25 LPM, 50 LPM were added.
Data transfer from CwGet to AALog logger
To transfer data
Free Buffers field was moved to status bar. Filters parameters and speed of received signal are shown in status bar too.
Minor internal changes were made.
User can select
User can select font parameters and background color of RX window (Setup > Rx Window Font Setup and Setup > Rx Window Background Setup).
User can select English or Russian charset now. (Setup > English Charset or Setup > Russian Charset).
Command File > Clear Buffer was made.
Command File > Save Buffer was made.
Minor changes in the interface were made.
When the burst filters time response is changed the envelope detector time response is also adjusted this helps with very fast keying.
The keys F1
F12, Pause,
Once more change of algorithm
Wrong symbols are shown
User can vary bandpass of main filter and time response of burst filter. It is useful on very fast keying (for example on meteor QSO). Sizes and coordinates of windows and other parameters are saving on the command Setup > Save setup.
Minor changes in the interface were made.
Recognition of badly sent signals (when the operator does not observe the intervals between characters) was improved.
Minor rework was made to facilitate
Shortcuts were made.
The options are added:
Freezing of the program on slower computers and while increasing the size of the window was fixed.
The first public version was released.
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