DXsoft Products / TrueTTY / Version history (Version for printing)
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Macrosequences for frequencies control were made:
The PS2x5 protocol has been updated to version 1.1.
The EOT symbol is no longer displayed in the receiving window.
The File / Send a File (Bypass Input Windows) command was made. By this command a file is transferred directly, without placing it in the input window and without macrosequences processing. You can interrupt the transfer by pressing the key on the keyboard to which a macro containing ~[cl] is assigned. By default it is the Esc key. Maximal size of transferred file is a little less than 64KB. If a file is longer than this value the transmission is cutted.
If the option Setup / Other / Save received PS2x5 transmission in separate files
is enabled, each received PS2x5 transmission is saved in the PS2X5_REC
subdirectory of the working directory. The default working directory is
A minor bug in the transmission termination process in the PS2x5 protocol has been fixed.
The EOT character (0x04) is now transmitted when the PS2x5 transmission is complete. In the receiving window this EOT symbol is displayed as ¤ (0xA4). If the end of the correspondent transmission is fixed by timeout (EOT symbol is absent), the lost tail of the transmission is marked by _______ symbols.
In PS2x5 mode the Error Rate is displayed after the end of the received transmission as {ER=2.5%}. It is percentage of erroneous five-bit symbols, either corrected or not.
COM1...COM99 com-ports can be used for PTT control and as Data exchange port.
Some minor bugs were fixed.
An experimental mode PS2x5 has been implemented.
It is a simple and robust protocol based on FSK2 with strong FEC based on the Reed-Solomon RS(31,15) code.
The data rate is approximately 0.36 of the baud rate. It is recommended to choose the frequency shift equal to or twice the baud rate. Recomended starting parameters for rather bad conditions are 25 Bd with 50 Hz shift.
PACTOR1-FEC mode is supported now (receiving only).
Colors of all spectrogram and oscillogram elements can be changed at
Some minor improvements were made.
FSK4/13 and
Input and output soundcard numbers can be above ten now.
Experimental mode FSK4/13 was made. This mode uses 13-bit symbols with minimal code distance 4, so all single and some double errors can be fixed.
Experimental mode FSK4/9 was made. This mode looks like DominoEX and RTTY in the same time.
Some minor improvements and bugfixes were made.
The Narrow option was added into Filters menu in RTTY and ASCII modes. These narrow filters can be useful to eliminate interference from strong near frequency stations.
Some minor improvements were made.
The Setup / Interface / Message Channel option is used for multi-RIG support now. See https://www.dxsoft.com/dxs-exch.zip for details.
Mono - Left - Right options define used soundcard channel for input and output.
The Ctrl-U hotkey switches
After switching to RTTY mode speed and shift are not reset to 45 Bd / 170 Hz, but are set to last values used in this mode.
Right mouse button click (or left mouse button with Shift key pressed) make TrueTTY to do fast decoding of one-minute prehistory of signal at selected frequency.
By Replay button one-minute prehistory of current signal is fast decoded now.
DTMF-decoder was improved.
PTT-interface settings were rewritten. Now PTT can be controlled via Com-port, standard or non-standard LPT-port, OmniRig (by COM-port pins or CAT), WinKey.
An option Setup / Tuning / Wheel tuning speed was made.
A bug with `[pa] macros was fixed.
Callsigns and numbers recognition was improved for Catch word in contest mode option.
QPSK-63 mode is supported now.
An option Use mouse wheel for tuning was made.
Some minor bugs were fixed.
Some issues occurred under Windows Vista were fixed.
Default working directory of software is located in
Command line parameter /F can define configuration file name now.
/S parameter of command line is not used now.
BPSK-125 mode receiving and transmitting were made.
TrueTTY can cooperate with another software as
Invisible buffer is not used now. Receiving window contains all received symbols until it is manually cleared.
Beacon regulator defines not period, but pause between transmissions now.
Minor improvements of RX window text displaying were made.
New options were made:
Setup / Other / Do not strip received NIL symbols from capture file and exchange channels;
Setup / Other / Put time marks to a capture file;
Setup / MOX & Beacon / Beacon off if my callsign ... is received;
Setup / MOX & Beacon / Beacon off if any callsign is received twice.
Some options were moved from the
Documentation was updated.
W1GEE PTT-interface is supported in LPT/N6TR mode now.
The Fast Macros Edit window is shown after right mouse button click at macro button now.
The `[tn] macrosequence was made. In MFSK16 and MFSK8 modes several idle symbols and then continuous carrier (about 2 seconds) are transmitted by this macrosequence to help to tune to a signal. In another mode just an idle symbol is transmitted.
MultiFSK-8 mode receiving and transmitting were made.
Color highlighting of received callsigns was made.
Some internal improvement were made.
The Show Omni-Rig Setup button at the
Fine-tuning screen buttons can be used for TX frequency changing now. TX frequency is changed by these buttons if right mouse button is used or Ctrl key is pressed.
A problem of frequency control of some RIG types was fixed.
When the Setup / Interface / AFC at mouse click option is selected a fast AFC is made by click at spectrogram, but it is not made by click at frequency ruler below now.
The option Follow VFOB by VFOA with offset
A minor bug with TX marks drawing in waterfall mode was fixed.
The mode of automatic transceiver frequency control can be switched on at
The documentation was updated.
Some minor improvements were made, some minor bugs were fixed.
A one minute sound buffer was made.
The Replay button click makes TrueTTY to re-decode previous 10 seconds of received signal.
The Save button writes previous 60 seconds of a sound to a wave file in the Waves directory.
Special macrosequences can be used also:
~[rpNN] - to replay last NN seconds;
~[svNN] - to save last NN seconds to a wave file;
~[svpNN] - to save last NN seconds to a wave file and replay it.
BPSK-63 mode receiving and transmitting were made.
The File / Open Wave Capture File command opens wave-file to save all received from soundcard sound. File is closed by the
Input and output sound devices can be selected in
The documentation was updated.
AX25 software carrier detector was slightly improved.
The Zoom menu and Alt-1 ... Alt-5 hotkeys change frequency scale of spectrogram and waterfall now.
To move a visible part of spectrogram or waterfall to left or right drag it by mouse with Alt key down.
A frequency ruler was made.
The Alt-I hotkey switches the phase indicator on and off in PSK modes now.
TrueTTY can decode AMTOR-ARQ (SITOR-A) signals now.
State and IOTA fields was added to catch-word popup menu.
State, Grid and IOTA options was added to
TrueTTY can send information about used mode to logger now.
See Setup / Other / Send Mode to logger when mode was changed,
Fast squelch in AX25 mode was made.
AFC has two parameters now.
The first parameter is local deviation in hertzs, i.e. maximal deviation from current frequency.
Second parameter is global deviation in hertzs, i.e. maximal deviation from last user-selected frequency.
User-selected frequencies are shown at spectrogram or waterfall by short thin lines .
MultiFSK decoder was improved.
AX25 decoder was rewritten. Noise-immunity was great improved in
BPSK31 and QPSK31 decoders were rewritten. QPSK31 decoding quality was vastly improved.
AMTOR-FEC (SITOR-B, NAVTEX) decoder was rewritten. Decoding quality was notably improved.
User can select optimal or wide filters via Filters menu in RTTY and ASCII modes now. Wide filters can be useful to decoding signals corrupted by polar flutter. Use optimal filters in all another cases.
RTTY and ASCII decoder was rewritten to improve decoding quality.
The documentation was updated.
Auto-recognizing of callsigns and control numbers was improved in contest mode.
Some minor bugs were fixed.
BPSK-31 decoder was changed again.
PSK-31 filter bandwidth was changed again.
Phase indicator maximum width is limited to 92 pixels now.
Waterfall colors can be customized via
Phase indicator was made for fine tuning in PSK-31 mode. It can be switchen on or off via
Buttons and hotkeys for fine tuning were made.
BPSK-31 decoder was remade to improve decoding quality.
A bug was fixed. COM-port speed was set incorrect when the same port was used for PTT-control and data exchange.
Auto-recognizing of callsigns and control numbers in case
In MultiFSK mode mouse click at spectrogram defines lowest radio frequency, not a center one.
Documentation was updated.
The Setup menu was completely remade. Check
AFC was remade. It works properly at fast AFC speed now.
A problem with RX window scrolling was fixed.
Some minor bugs were fixed.
DTMF-code decoding was made.
MultiFSK-16 receiving and transmitting were made.
Alt-D hotkey was made for Clear Buffer command.
The documentation was updated.
Some minor improvements were made.
TrueTTY can decode signals from WAVE-file now.
See the
Sample rate must be 11025, 22050 or 44100 Hz.
Preferred file parameters are mono, 16 bit, 11025 Hz.
The ExchangeSpeed parameter of the TRUETTY.INI file defines
data exchange speed via additional COM-port now.
Some minor improvements were made.
TrueTTY can exchange receiving and transmitting data to another software via additional COM-port now. So, TrueTTY can emulate hardware modem or TNC.
In AX25 mode TrueTTY can work (to receive and transmit) as KISS-TNC via COM-port or DXSOFTEX.DLL interface now.
KISS mode is switched on by
I have successfully tested TrueTTY with great AX25 software Pr4Win (see http://www.geocities.com/nl3asd/download/pr4win.html, http://www.qsl.net/oe8djk/) with hardware COM-ports (USB/COM converters) or with VSPD driver.
The File / Open KISS Capture File command opens capture file to save all receiving AX-25 packets in KISS-format.
The program behavior at not very vast computer was improved.
Some minor bugs were fixed.
The File / Open Buffer in Notepad
command was made. It saves receiving buffer in a temporary file and opens this file by a text editor. Then you can view this file or print it. The hotkey of this command
A bug with the List index out of bounds message appearing during editing of text to transmit was fixed, I hope.
The Setup / Catch Words in Contest Mode option was made. In this mode software doesnt use
TrueTTY recognize callsign or control number automatically.
The Setup / Beacon Off At Mouse Click option was made. If this option is enabled, beacon is switched off by mouse click on spectrogram, RX window or input window or by key pressed in the input window.
The Setup / Continuous Carrier While Idle option was made.
If this option is enabled, TrueTTY doesnt use idle symbols in RTTY and ASCII modes.
Some minor bugs were fixed.
The Grid option was added to context menu to transfer received
The 182 Hz shift value was added to the shift menu. This value is optimal for interchannel crosstalk reducing
A bug was fixed. OnTop mode didnt work correctly after Edit Macros command executing.
Release version. Documentation was updated.
Setup / View / Logarithmic Spectrogram menu command
To avoid problems with macrosequences, the ] symbol is treated as word separator in Send Whole Word Only mode.
Minor bug with macro button drawing in system with large font was fixed.
AFC algorithm was improved for speed above 75 Baud or shift below 85 Hz. This algorithm is used in AMTOR and AX25 modes also.
The Setup / AFC At Mouse Click option was made. When is option is selected TrueTTY make fast AFC to near station after mouse click on spectrogram regardless of the AFC button state.
The Send Whole Word Only option was made. In this mode software doesnt start to transmit next word until space symbol or line feed is entered.
New Beacon button switch on beacon mode now. In this mode
The ExCanal parameter
Filter parameters were changed for better BPSK and QPSK decoding.
An old internal bug was fixed.
The old bug
If there are several sound cards in a computer, you can select the card by the SoundCardNumber parameter of [RTTY] section
Problem with slow computer reaction when the Setup / PTT Interface / Produce FSK output at TxD option is selected was fixed.
Documentation was updated.
The Setup / Use Other Field As menu assigns alternative meaning to Other edit field. This meaning is used to catch words from RX window and to transfer data to logger.
The problem with spontaneous switching of keyboard layout during transmission was fixed.
Macrosequences for logger control were made:
Macrosequences for increment of numbers in the edit fields were made:
The menu option Setup / Catch Word by One Mouse Click was made. When this option is enabled, you can catch a word from RX window by single mouse click,
The - char is the word delimiter now.
TrueTTY can transfer received symbols to another software and get symbols to transmit from another software now. Data exchange can be made
Some minor bugs were fixed.
More accuracy timing control in AMTOR mode was made.
Two parameters were added to correct sound card sampling rate variation against nominal frequency (11025 Hz). The first is SamplingFreq parameter
A bug
Bug in the Edit Macros procedure was fixed.
File / Send Text File command was added.
Three pins
User can change number of macro buttons now. (Setup / View / One Macro Buttons Row,Setup / View / Two Macro Buttons Row, Setup / View / Three Macro Buttons Row.) Macro buttons labels are changed when Ctrl or Alt key is pressed.
Setup / PTT Interface / Produce FSK Output at TxD menu option permits to switch off
CR and LF received symbols are shown in more convenient manner now.
The command line argument
Menu command Setup / Fonts and Colors / Tx Window Sent Symbols Color defines a color of sent symbols in input window now.
The squelch threshold regulator has logarithm scale now.
COM1 COM9 ports can be used.
When the Setup / Copy Transferred Data to Clipboard option is enabled, data transferred to logger are copied to the Windows clipboard also.
Setup / View / Logarithmic Spectrogram menu command
Much more convenient Input window was made. Sent symbols are not deleted from this window immediately now. They just change color to the same color as Sent window text. Transmitted text are deleted from Input window after Line Feed symbol transmitting.
Release version. Documentation was updated.
Setup / English/Russian Ext. Charset option for used alphabet in RTTY and AMTOR modes was made. When this option is selected,
Minor change
More smart method of incorrect synchronization detecting
Extended code table for AMTOR and RTTY (with high and low letters) was made.
Extended table is switched on and off via Setup / Extended Baudot menu.
} char doesnt work
Some other minor changes were made.
Once more speed option (300 Baud) in RTTY and ASCII modes was made.
Frequency resolution (AFC accuracy) is highly improved in BPSK31 and QPSK31 modes. I hope it should improve decoding quality.
User can edit text on macros buttons via Edit Macros menu now.
Font parameters of that text can be changed via Setup / Fonts and Colors / Macro Buttons Font Setup menu.
It is necessary to use underline symbol (_) in place of space in Text sequence.
When Backspace handling is switching on, backspace symbols are right handled in Sent window now.
Backspace symbols handling was made in PSK and ASCII modes. That feature can be switched off by Setup / Backspace Handling menu.
Support of Swedish version of Baudot code was made in RTTY mode. It is switched on by Setup / Swedish Charset menu.
Release version. Documentation was updated.
Bug with some Russian letter transmitting
Minor change
QPSK31 transmitting was made.
In RTTY mode two shift values were added (85 Hz and 22 Hz).
QPSK31 receiving was made (transmitting is not implemented yet).
Submenu Setup / Time Zone was made. It is not necessary to edit UTCoffset manually now.
New submenu Setup / Fonts and Colors was made.
File / Open Capture File command opens
File / Close Capture File command closes
New macrosequences were made:
There are 37 keyboard macros now.
Optional UTCoffset parameter can be used
PSK31 decoding procedure were highly changed to improve decoding.
Release version. Documentation was updated, minor program changes were made.
RTTY symbols with speed above 75 Baud are transmitted correct now.
New macros were made:
User can switch off oscillogram window, macros buttons panel and edit fields panel now (Setup / View / ).
Option Show Sent Symbols In RX Window was made (Setup / View / Show Sent Symbols In RX Window).
TxD out
Release version. Minor program and documentations changes were made.
Problem with Rx buffer overflow was fixed. When Rx buffer are grown to about 20 Kbytes, part of data is moved into invisible buffer. By Save Buffer command both part of Rx buffer (invisible and visible) are saved.
Russian code page was corrected.
Working sound band
More optimal filters were made.
Documentation was updated.
Minor changes were made.
The installer was added.
Option Unshift On Space was made. In that mode Rx symbol shift is switched to Letters after receiving Space or Line Feed symbol.
Font parameters and background color of all windows can be changed.
Size of sent symbols window can be changed now.
Used pins
Data transfer from TrueTTY to AALog logger
Data are transferred
To transfer data
Once more hotkey
Hotkeys for manual switching of Rx symbol shift were made.
Threshold squelch was made.
The documentation
Minor reworks were made.
Bug with incorrect hints of F1 F12 buttons was fixed.
AFC method was high improved.
Program can work both with duplex
Program can transmit now, but only with duplex sound cards.
The first public version was released. Receive RTTY only.
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